Crime scene

Euroleges Law Firm is behind a mission of a popular Italian war reporter. Thanks to our professional network developed along the years it was possible to enter into the dark past of the Jugoslav regime.

In Slovenia, a Government Commission investigates the massacres made by the Tito regime. Mass killings that executed under the strictest secret. Once the regime collapsed, the topic remained a taboo.

Dr. Jože Dežman, head of the Government Commission, brings light over this terrific past. He brought us to visit some of the investigation sites where they have recently discovered traces of enormous mass killings. Places hidden in remote areas into an arduous mountain territory.

At the moment 750 places are under police investigation.


Other countries Police Corps’ expertise

The Commission had to face how to prepare the population of Slovenia to the news that the regime had done such kind of crimes. They asked expertise support from Police Corps that had to cope with similar massacres, such as the ones happened in Latin America or in certain African countries. The discovery of such dark past was a shock for the population of Slovenia and it created a vivid public debate.


The investigations

Police investigates with the most modern scientific techniques. They created a database made with the victims’ bones in order to facilitate, thanks to DNA, the searches of disappeared relatives. Considering that most of the mass killings were committed in a period after the end of WW2, it is almost impossible to bring the executors to a judgement. Moreover Police faces problems in finding the secret archives of the regime that were not kept in Slovenia.


Our effort promoting human rights

These mass killings represented complete violation of most basic human rights and international coventions concerning war prisoners and injured of war. International conventions originally promoted by Jean Henri Dunant, a person that saw the horror of Solferino and San Martino battles. From that experience it started the process behind the foundation of the Red Cross and Ginevra Conventions.

Euroleges Law Firms promotes the human rights culture and supports cultural initiatives that have that purpose.

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